Our basic fishing equipment list – Check before you go

Before heading out on the water there are few basic fishing equipments I like to pack. Honestly, we’re human and sometimes it just slips our mind and I understand that.

So, to help me and to help you. I’ve created a checklist that I refer to before heading out for a day worth of fishing. Feel free to use the checklist for yourself or use this as a guide to create one of your own.


Land-Based Fishing Checklist


Fishing rod and reel

Tackle – Hooks, Swivels, Sinkers, etc

Tackle box

Landing Net


Longnose Pliers

Measuring Tape

Lip Grip



Fish Scaler

Small Esky for Bait


Large esky to store caught fish


Bucket attached with rope – Used to wash hands or alternative to storing caught fish.

Foldable Chair

Paper Towels

Wet Wipes

First Aid Kit





Every time I decide to go land-based fishing I refer to this list of equipment. For some, it may be shorter and for others, it may be longer. But I find these are the necessary equipment I need for a day out.

Also, if your out in the sun check our post on sun-protective clothing to avoid harsh rays and sunburns.

10 thoughts to “Our basic fishing equipment list – Check before you go”

  1. Thank you for this post.  So many times we go fishing and, once we’re there, realize we’ve left something behind.

    We try to mitigate this problem by setting up our gear bags and having everything ready to go but, somehow, it still isn’t enough and we can remember that the nipper or line or whatever it might be is still sitting on the toolbox in the garage, etc.

    I really do appreciate this list and will incorporate it into my packing activities.  I may update it a little bit as I’m looking to actually do some shore ocean fishing utilizing my drone and dropping mechanism to locate and drop my line right in the middle of a school of fish.  I know that’s not the typical use case but I want to give it a try just the same.

    Thanks again,


    1. Hi Scott,

      Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. Whoa! Drone fishing that’s some exciting stuff. I Would love to experiment with this but I think I have to first get my hands on a drone first. Then learn the technical side of drone fishing. Those Drones can get quite expensive also.

  2. Outstanding check list, complete with sun protection also.  I like the list, it seems to have everything that I tend to pack and a few more items that I will include in my next outing.  

    Most of the time we tend to have to gather up these items and I think it would make sense to have a bag already essentially packed with all or at least most of these items already to go.  Many times I’ve focused more not the fishing aspect of the outing rather than making sure everything is packed for me.

    Great advice…thanks for the essentials and other items as well.  Great checklist.

    1. Hi Tim,

      You’re absolutely right! I usually have a bag just for fishing and keep my essentials in there. This makes it lot easier next time I’m heading out. Also, thank you for leaving a comment. It’s great seeing positive comments and my checklist was received well.



  3. Hi! This is exactly what I need! This basic fishing equipment list will set me on track for my first day fishing. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I’m looking at each item in the list and I’m glad to see you have thought in everything! I’ll also check out your post about sun-protective clothing. Thank you very much! 

    1. Hi Henry,

      I think I did this list so I don’t forget next time I’m out fishing!

      Thank you for taking the time and leaving a comment and all the best next you decide to go fishing

  4. I am learning how to fish now, I am still bad in it and I do not know everything related to fishing equipment. I like your list here as it makes it so easy to check everything I need.

    Now I feel like I am not confused about what to take with me or stress out of forgetting anything. I am going with my friend this weekend, he wants to teach me more about it as he is professional, I believe he will love your website and your post!

    The most important part of this list is “Snacks” last time I forgot it and we sure felt super hungry ahahaha.

    Thank you, for this amazing post.


    1. Hi Mohammad,

      Thanks for taking the time and dropping a comment on my blog. 

      Hahaha sometimes the most important things are snacks if we’re not getting any bites!

  5. Vinnie, thanks for taking the time to provide us with a list that we can print out before we go fishing. I have been wanting to make a list because it seems like ever time I go, I will forget to pack something. Usually it is the pliers or the scissors.   

    I must admit, I am not familiar with the term, “esky.” Is that a cooler?     

    For my copy of the list, I think that I will add bug spay, sunscreen and sunglasses.

    1. Hi Sandra,

      Yeah that’s right, an esky is a cooler. It’s what us Aussies call it. Thanks for taking the time and leaving a comment.



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